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Altitude Reader dành cho Android

  • Miễn phí

  • Bằng Tiếng Việt
  • V 1.0
  • 4.7

  • Tình trạng bảo mật

Đánh giá Softonic

Đọc độ cao - Đo độ cao chính xác và hiệu chuẩn

Altitude Reader is a free Android application developed by Robert Bosch GmbH. It falls under the category of Utilities & Tools and provides users with accurate altitude measurements by intelligently fusing pressure sensor data with reference values.

The app offers four different calibration modes to calculate altitude. In the first mode, GPS and internet are used for more accurate results. The app periodically polls GPS and sea level pressure from a web service to calculate altitude. However, this mode only works outdoors. The second mode utilizes GPS and pressure sensor data, with a fixed sea level pressure ofhPa. The third mode is suited for indoor use and relies on automatic updates of sea level pressure from the web service. Finally, the fourth mode allows users to manually enter or obtain sea level pressure to calculate altitude.

Altitude Reader supports two working modes: Normal Mode and Sports Mode. Normal Mode is recommended for regular use as it consumes less power and only polls the sensor when the application is active or during GPS/internet calibration. On the other hand, Sports Mode is ideal for logging historical ascend/descend data and offers graphical views. This mode consumes more power as the sensor is continuously polled until the graph is stopped.

The app also provides various graph views, including altitudes from fusion (ACP), pressure sensor, and GPS. Users can also view relative altitude (ascend/descend) and track the altitude correction history.

Altitude Reader is a versatile and useful tool for anyone in need of accurate altitude measurements. Whether you're an outdoor enthusiast or require altitude data for specific activities, this app offers multiple calibration modes and working modes to suit your needs.

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Altitude Reader dành cho Android

  • Miễn phí

  • Bằng Tiếng Việt
  • V 1.0
  • 4.7

  • Tình trạng bảo mật

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